Sleepy alligator in the noonday sun
Lying by the river just like he usually done
Call for his whiskey, he can call for his tea
Call all he wants to but he can't call me
Oh no, I've been there before
And I ain't coming back around there no more
Creepy alligator coming all around the bend
Shouting 'bout the time when we was mutual friends
I checked my memory and I checked it quick, yes I will
I checked it running some old kind of trick
Oh no, I've been there before
And I ain't coming back around there no more
Hung up waiting for a windy day
Hung up waiting for a windy day
Burn down the Fillmore, gas the Avalon
Sailing down the river in an old canoe
A bunch of bugs and an old tennis shoe
Out of the river all ugly and green
Came the biggest old alligator that I've ever seen
Teeth big and pointed and his eyes were bugging out
Contacted the union, put the beggars to rout
Screaming and yelling, he was picking his chops
He never runs, he just stumbles and hops
Just out of prison on six dollar's bail
Mumbling at bitches and a-wagging his tail
Alligator running round my door
Alligator running round my door
Alligator running round my door
Alligator running round my door
Alligator creeping round the corner of my cabin door
He's coming round to bother me some more
Ice Nine Publishing; used by permission